Chronicle of A Death Foretold

A documentary about NATO bombarding of the RTS...


A documentary about NATO bombarding of the RTS twenty years ago, during which its sixteen employees lost their lives while on work. Its main object is for viewers to see that in that insane racketeering of civil object nobody had to die nor should have been sacrificed.

 For the first time, some witnesses come clean and openly talk about circumstances and details which prove that the casualties could have been avoided. Who knew that the building would be bombarded and why, despite this information, it hadn't been evacuated? Why the RTS wasn't bombarded fifteen days earlier, as planned? Why neither one of the international court brought to justice NATO's officials for killing civilians, although the international organizations for human rights claimed that it was a war crime and that there wasn't any excuse for such an act.

Author: Svetlana Janicijevic
Director: Ivan Popovic
Year of production: 2019

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